Fr. R. J. Neuhaus
Father Neuhaus is editor-in-chief of First Things, a journal of religion, culture and public life.
Published Works (relevant to the discussion)
Catholic Matters: Confusion, Controversy, And the Splendor of Truth Basic Books (March 1, 2006)
Appointment in Rome: The Church in America Awakening Herder & Herder (February 25, 1998)
The Naked Public Square: Religion & Democracy in America Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2nd edition (March 1986)
Doing Well & Doing Good: The Challenge to the Christian Capitalist Doubleday (September, 1992).
The Catholic Moment: The Paradox of the Church in the Postmodern World Harpercollins (May 1987).
Relevant Articles / Interviews
"Proposing Democracy Anew", a three-part series for his monthly column "The Public Square":
Our American Babylon First Things 158 (December 2005): 23-28.
Internationalisms, Etc.. [From "The Public Square"] First Things 148 (December 2004): 64-84.
The Naked Public Square Now. Twenty years after its publication, various authors (Stanley Hauerwaus, Harvey Cox, Jeane Bethke Elshtain, et al.) reflect on the influence of the book and contemporary problems raised by its argument, with a response by Father Neuhaus. First Things 147 (November 2004): 11-27.
The Unresolvable Conflict: Religion, Politics, and Morality Ethics & Public Policy Center (EPPS) "American Culture and Democracy" lecture series. September 27, 2004. [available in audio format]
Catholics, Protestants, and the Meanings of Freedom. [From "The Public Square"] First Things 135 (August/September 2003).
The Persistence of the Catholic Moment, First Things 130 (February 2003): 26-30.
"Schindler's Complaint", First Things 74, June-July 1997.
The Liberalism of John Paul II. First Things 73 (May 1997): 16-21.
To Propose the Truth: The Catholic Moment Requires Five Transformations. Crisis April 1994.
Religion's Role in Public Life, Interview w/ Richard John Neuhaus. Religion & Liberty Sept.-Oct. 1993.
Christianity & Democracy. A declaration, written by Richard John Neuhaus and published by the Institute for Religion & Democracy, "intended to set forth the Christian case for, and stake in, the liberal democratic order." Originally published October 1981 & republished in First Things 66 (October 1996): 30-36.
Other Articles by R.J. Neuhaus.
Michael Novak
Michael Novak holds the George Frederick Jewett Chair in Religion and Public Policy at the American Enterprise Institute. His research focuses on the three systems of the free society--the free polity, the free economy, and the culture of liberty--and their springs in religion and philosophy. Twice the U.S. ambassador to the UN Human Rights Commission, and once to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. He directs social and political studies for the AEI and is the author of twenty-five influential books published in every major Western language (as well as Bengali, Korean, Japanese). He is the recipient of the 1994 Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion; the Antony Fisher Prize for The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism presented by Margaret Thatcher; the Weber Award for contributions to Catholic Social Thought in Essen, Germany; the Cezanne Medal from the City of Provence, and the Catholic Culture Medal of Bassano del Grappa in Italy; the highest civilian award from the Slovak Republic in 1996; the Masaryk Medal, presented by Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic, in 2000.
Published Works (relevant to the discussion)
Washington's God Basic Books (March 6, 2006).
On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Common Sense at the American Founding Encounter Books (April 2003)
Three in One: Essays on Democratic Capitalism Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (April 11, 2001)
On Cultivating Liberty: Reflections on Moral Ecology Rowman & Littlefield (May, 1999)
The Catholic Ethic & The Spirit of Capitalism Free Press (February 1993)
The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism (Madison Books (June 1991).
Freedom with Justice: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions Transaction Pub; 2nd edition (February 1, 1989)
Free Persons and the Common Good Madison Books (January 1988)
Understanding Novak: Introductory Resources
The Novak Achievement, by Fr. Richard J. Neuhaus. First Things 36 (October 1993).
Controversial Engagements. First Things 92 (April 1999): 21-29. Novak gives an account of his career and development of thought in response to Eugene McCarraher.
The Debate We Have To Have: Michael Novak, Christianity, and Capitalism, by Samuel Gregg. The Adelaide Review June 1999.
On Democracy, Religion & 'The American Experiment'
Michael Novak on the "Hunger for Liberty" -- an interview with Zenit.org. May 11, 2005.
- Part 1: On the Need for Morality to Safeguard Freedom
- Part 2: The Clash of Civilizations
- Part 3: On Europe's Lost Desire for Freedom
The Universal Hunger for Liberty: Why the Clash of Civilizations Is Not Inevitable. Online discussion with Joanne Myers, Director of Merrill House Programs, and Q&A with readers. Sponsored by the Carnegie Council.
The Truth About Religious Freedom First Things 161 (March 2006): 17-20.
Religion and the Founders, by Christopher Levenick & Michael Novak. National Review March 7, 2005.
On "The Amerian Experiment" with Peter and Helen Evans. August 4, 2003.
Michael Novak's Recipe for a Civilization of Love. Zenit.org. July 17, 2003.
The Faith of the Founding. First Things 132 (April 2003): 27-32.
Democracy & Religion in America: Tocqueville's surprising linkage. National Review Online, October 2, 2002
A Nation That Believes: America without religion is not America. National Review Dec. 31, 2001.
The Judeo-Christian Foundation of Human Dignity, Personal Liberty, and the Concept of the Person Markets & Morality Vol. 1, No. 2. Fall 1998.
The Future of Civil Society. CRISIS Magazine, 14 no. 8. September 1996.
Aquinas and the Heretics First Things 58 (December 1995): 33-38.
On Economics & Social Thought
Wealth & Virtue: The moral case for capitalism. National Review Online. Feb. 18, 2004.
Michael Novak's Recipe for a Civilization of Love. Interview w/ Zenit.org. July 17, 2003.
Human Dignity, Personal Liberty: Themes from Abraham Kuyper and Leo XIII. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 5, Number 1. Spring 2002.
Defining Social Justice. First Things 108 (December 2000): 11-13.
Capitalism and the Human Spirit. The Public Interest April 15, 2000.
The International Vocation of American Business. Religion & Liberty. The Acton Institute. July-August, 1999.
God, Man & Money Catholic Dossier May / June 1999.
Controversial Engagements - an account of his career and development of political thought. First Things 92 (April 1999).
Economics as Humanism. First Things 76 (October 1997): 18-19.
The Future of Civil Society. Crisis 14 no. 8 (September 1996).
- Michael Novak and Yves R. Simon on the common good and Capitalism, by Thomas R. Rourke. Review of Politics, Spring 1996, Vol. 58 Issue 2, p229, 30p;
- A `Catholic Whig' replies, by Michael Novak. Review of Politics, Spring 1996, Vol. 58 Issue 2, p259, 6p.
- Response to a `Catholic Whig', by Thomas R. Rourke. Review of Politics, Spring 1996, Vol. 58 Issue 2, p265, 3p.
The Free Market & Public Morality. Interview with Michael Novak. Religion & Liberty May-June 1994.
Capitalism Rightly Understood: The View of Christian Humanism. Faith & Reason, April 1991.
Centesimus Annus: Maintaining the Continuity of Catholic Social Teaching. Response by Stephen M. Krason. Faith & Reason Winter 1991.
A Salute to Jacques Maritain. The Catholic Writer: The Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute. 2 (1989): 65-82.
George Weigel
George Weigel is Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and author of Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II.
Published Works (relevant to the discussion)
The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America, and Politics Without God Basic Books (April 5, 2005)
Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II arperCollins; 1st ed edition (October, 1999)
Soul of the World: Notes on the Future of Public Catholicism Eerdmans Pub Co (March 1996).
Building a Free Society: Building the Free Society: Democracy Capitalism and Catholic Social Teaching edited by George Weigel, Robert Royal. Eerdmans Pub Co (October 1994).
Catholicism and the Renewal of American Democracy Paulist Pr (May 1, 1989)
Relevant Articles
Europe and America: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow The Wriston Lecture -- The Manhattan Institute. November 7, 2006.
From Centesimus Annus to Deus Caritas Est: The Free and Virtuous Society of the 21st Century On December 12, the Acton Institute hosted a conference at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University on the relationship of Pope John Paul II's 1991 social encyclical, Centesimus Annus, to Pope Benedict XVI's inaugural encyclical, Deus Caritas Est.
The Blessings of Charity: A papal challenge to conventional wisdom - on Deus Caritas Est. Philanthropy Magazine March 1, 2006.
Religious Conviction and Democratic Etiquette. Comments at the Thomas More Institute, London. Thursday, May 20, 2004.
The Free and Virtuous Society: Catholic Social Doctrine in the Twenty-First Century. The fourth annual Tyburn Lecture at Tyburn Convent, Marble Arch, London. May 19, 2004.
World Order: What Catholics Forgot. First Things 143 (May 2004): 31-38.
Europe's Problem: And Ours. First Things 140 (February 2004): 18-25.
A Better Concept of Freedom. First Things 121 March 2002): 14-20.
Papacy & Power. First Things 110 (February 2001): 18-25.
The Moral Foundations of Freedom. Acton Lecture on Religion & Liberty. October 23, 2000.
John Paul II and the Priority of Culture. First Things 80 (February 1998): 19-25.
The Catholic Human Rights Revolution Crisis July/August 1996.
Faith - Essential Ingredient of Democratic Capitalism. Interview with George Weigel. Religion & Liberty. The Acton Institute. March-April 1996.
Christian Conviction & Democratic Etiquette. First Things 41 (March 1994): 28-35.
Other Articles by George Weigel.
Additional Voices
Fr. Robert Sirico
Rev. Robert A. Sirico received his Master of Divinity degree from the Catholic University of America, following undergraduate study at the University of Southern California and the University of London. During his studies and early ministry, he experienced a growing concern over the lack of training religious studies students receive in fundamental economic principles, leaving them poorly equipped to understand and address today's social problems. As a result of these concerns, Fr. Sirico co-founded the Acton Institute with Kris Alan Mauren in 1990.
In April of 1999, Fr. Sirico was awarded an honorary doctorate in Christian Ethics from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and in May of 2001, Universidad Francisco Marroquin awarded him an honorary doctorate in Social Sciences. He is a member of the prestigious Mont Pèlerin Society, the American Academy of Religion, and the Philadelphia Society, and is on the Board of Advisors of the Civic Institute in Prague. Father Sirico also served on the Michigan Civil Rights Commission from 1994 to 1998. He is also currently the Parochial Vicar at St. Mary Catholic Church in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Fr. Sirico's pastoral ministry has included a chaplaincy to AIDS patients at the National Institute's of Health and the recent founding of a new community, St. Philip Neri House in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Relevant Articles / Interviews
Economics According to John Paul II's Anthropology Zenit Interview. April 19, 2005.
Papal Economics 101: Freedom and truth National Review Online, April 7, 2005.
Subsidiarity: A lesson from the United States TRACES interview. [Communion & Liberation] May 2002.
Can a Camel Pass Through the Eye of a Needle? Zenit Interview. April 30, 2000.
Fr. Robert Sirico Comments on "The Social Agenda" Zenit Interview. April 30, 2000.
The Entrepreneurial Vocation Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 3, Number 1. Spring 2000.
The Late-Scholastic and Austrian Link to Modern Catholic Economic Thought Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 1, Number 2. October 1998.
Catholicism's Developing Social Teaching. The Freeman, December, 1991 (Vol. 41 No.12).
The Morality of Freedom The Freeman March 1988, Vol. 38, No. 3. Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.
Dr. Samuel Gregg
Dr. Samuel Gregg is a moral philosopher who has written and spoken extensively on questions of ethics in public policy, jurisprudence, bioethics, and ethics in business. He has an MA in political philosophy from the University of Melbourne, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in moral philosophy from the University of Oxford, which he attended as a Commonwealth Scholar. Dr. Gregg is the author of several books, including Morality, Law, and Public Policy (2000), Economic Thinking for the Theologically Minded (2001), Challenging the Modern World: Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II and the Development of Catholic Social Teaching (2003) and On Ordered Liberty (2003). He also publishes regularly in journals such as Markets & Morality, Crisis, and Policy. He is the American editorial consultant for the Italian journal, La Societa, as well as American correspondent for the German newspaper Die Tagespost. Dr. Gregg is Director of Research at the Acton Institute, an Adjunct Professor at the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Marriage and the Family within the Pontifical Lateran University, and a consultant for Oxford Analytica Ltd. In 2001, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and in 2003 he was elected a member of the Mont Pèlerin Society.
Relevant Articles
A Lost Opportunity: The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church—A Review Essay
Markets & Morality Volume 9, Number 2 | Fall 2006. [PDF].
One Nation Under God? The Tablet June 25, 2005.
Old Europe’s New Despotism Acton Commentary. May 11, 2005.
The Challenge of Ordered Liberty: Constitutionalism and a Free Society Thomas More Institute Seminar. November 24, 2004.
Markets, Morality, and Civil Society. Intercollectiate Review Fall 2003/Spring 2004. [.pdf format]
Globalization and the Insights of Catholic Social Teaching Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 4, Number 1. Spring 2001.
The Limits of Politics January 31, 2001.
Dignitatis Humanae and the Catholic Human Rights 'Revolution' St. Thomas More Society, March 23, 2000.
Dr Samuel Gregg on Secularism Interview w. Stephen Crittenden
Rendering Unto Caesar: New Challenges for Church & State The Centre for Independent Studies. Tuesday 18 May, 2004. The Acton Lecture on Religion & Freedom.
Democracy and the Free Economy: The Anthropological Imperative [Address - time / date unknown].
Editorials by Dr. Samuel Gregg.
Dr. Gregory M. A. Gronbacher
Dr. Gregory M. A. Gronbacher is the director of the Center for Economic Personalism, the academic research division of the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds a Ph. D. in philosophy from the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy in Dublin, Ireland, where he also was a lecturer. Dr. Gronbacher researches and lectures on the synthesis of free market economic science and Christian personalism as well as political and social philosophy and Catholic social thought.
Relevant Articles
The Humane Economy thegoodsteward.com. January 26, 2001.
Economic Liberty And Social Ethics: The Morality Of The Third Way thegoodsteward.com. January 18, 2001.
Choice, Even In A Free Society, Has Its Limits. thegoodsteward.com. February 2, 2001.
The True Meaning of Catholic Action The Wanderer Forum, 2000. Based upon a presentation made to the 1998 Chicago Wanderer Forum, which examined the infiltration of the Industrial Areas Foundation into U.S. Catholic institutions.
The 'Finn-Gronbacher Debate' 1998-2001
The Need for Economic Personalism, by Gregory M. A. Gronbacher. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 1, Number 1. March 1998.
The Economic Personalism of John Paul II: Neither Right Nor Left, by Daniel Rush Finn. Professor of Economics and Theology. Saint John’s University. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 2, Number 1. Spring 1999.
The Humane Economy: Neither Right nor Left: A Response to Daniel Rush Finn, Gregory M.A. Gronbacher. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 2, Number 2. Fall 1999.
On the Choice of Method in Economics:Options for Humanists: A Response to Gregory Gronbacher, by Daniel Rush Finn. Professor of Economics and Theology
Saint John's University. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 3, Number 2. Fall 2000.
The Finn–Gronbacher Debate, by Gabriel J. Zanotti. Associate Professor of Philosophy. Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 4, Number 2. Fall 2001.
Intellectual Precursors
John Courtney Murray, S.J. (1904-1967)
John Courtney Murray was a Jesuit theologian and prominent American intellectual who was especially known for his efforts to reconcile Catholicism and religious pluralism, religious freedom, and the American political order. His best-known book We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition (Sheed & Ward, 1960) collects a number of his essays on such topics.
Murray is especially known as one of the chief architects of the Second Vatican Council document on religious freedom, Dignitatis Humanae.
Published Works (by and about Murray)
We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition Sheed & Ward (May 28, 1986)
John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation, edited by Robert P. Hunt and Kenneth L. Grasso. Eerdmans, 1994.
Relevant Articles
On the thought of John Courtney Murray
Special Investigation: - John Courtney Murray and the Liberal Catholic" Justification for Abortion, by Christopher Blosser.
The Civic University, by Stephen M. Fields, S.J. First Things 161 (March 2006): 12-15.
"American Catholics and the State: John Courtney Murray on Catholics in a Pluralistic Democratic Society", by Greg Kalscheur, S.J. America Vol. 191 No. 3, August 2, 2004 -- full text requires subscription).
Does John Courtney Murray's Defense of Freedom Extend to Economics? An Austrian Perspective. Markets & Morality Vol. 5, No. 2. Fall 2002. The Acton Institute.
Citizen Murray, by J. Leon Hooper, S.J. Boston College magazine. Winter. 1995.
Religious Freedom, Truth & American Liberalism: Another Look at John Courtney Murray, by David Schindler. Communio Winter 1994.
What would John Courtney Murray say? On abortion & euthanasia, by Todd David Whitmore. Commonweal, Oct 7, 1994.
John Courtney Murray and the American Catholic Experience, by Michael Tortolani. 1993 Lord Acton Essay. The Acton Institute.
John Courtney Murray, S.J., and Religious Pluralism. Panel discussion on "the formative influence that religion and American political life have on each other" with J. Leon Hooper, S.J., Woodstock fellow and Murray scholar; Os Guinness of the Trinity Forum; and Michael J. Perry of Northwestern University Law School & moderated by Margaret O'Brien Steinfels, editor of Commonweal. Woodstock Report, March 1993, no. 33.
A Contested Legacy, by James Finn. Book review of John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation, ed. by Robert P. Hunt & Kenneth L. Grasso. First Things 30 (February 1993): 54-57.
"John Courtney Murray: Reliable Interpreter of Dignitatis Humanae?", by Fr. Brian W. Harrison. Part I Living Tradition No. 33, Jan. 1991.; Part II Living Tradition No. 34, March 1991.;
An Unfinished Argument:
John Courtney Murray, Dignitatis Humanae and the Catholic Theory of the State, by Professor Kenneth L. Grasso, Department of Political Science, Southwest Texas State University. [Lecture Series].
Economic Justice for Some? - Is Murray's Discourse Ethic a Serious Alternative to Class Warfare, as an instrument of Public Policy Formation?, by Dennis P. McCann. DePaul University, Chicago, IL.
Excerpts from Books
Religious Freedom: John Courtney Murray, S.J. and Vatican II, by Francis Canavan, S.J. Faith & Reason Summer 1987.
We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition, by Donald D'Elia. Chap. 5 in We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition The Thought of Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. and its Relevance Today. 62-76. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan University Press, 1993.
The Truths They Held: The Christian and Natural Law Background to the American Constitution, by Robert R. Reilly. Chap. 6 of We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition. The Thought of Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. and its Relevance Today. Edited by J. D'Elia & Stephen M. Krason. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan University Press, 1993.
Selected Articles by John Courtney Murray
How Liberal Is Liberalism? America 75 (April 6): 6-7.
Jacques Maritain (1882-1973)
Relevant Articles
About Maritain:
Maritain’s America, by Thomas Howard. First Things January 2007.
Maritain's True Humanism, by Richard Francis Crane. First Things 150 (February 2005): 17-23.
The Faith of the Founding, by Michael Novak. First Things 132 (April 2003): 27-32. (defends Jacques Maritain's assertion that modern democracy of the American type cannot be understood apart from the inspiration of the gospel of Jesus Christ).
Jacques Maritain's "Democratic Faith": Heretical or Orthodox?, by Thaddeus J. Kozinski. Catholic University of America. 2002.
Nature and Grace: The Theological Foundations of Jacques Maritain's Public Philosophy, by Eduardo J. Echeverria. Associate Professor of Philosophy. Conception Seminary College. Markets & Morality Vol. 4, no. 2 Fall 2001.
John Rawls and Jacques Maritain on the Law of Peoples, by John P. Dougherty. Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter Vol. 23, No. 3. Fall 2000. pp. 18-22. [.pdf format].
Jacques Maritain: Integral Humanism, by Michael S. Joyce. First Things 101 (March 2000): 49-50.
The Christian Personalism of Jacques Maritain Faith and Reason Summer 1991.
A Salute to Jacques Maritain, by Michael Novak. The Catholic Writer: The Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute 2 (1989): 65-82.
By Maritain:
Jacques Maritain Center , University of Notre Dame. Directed by Ralph McInerny. A treasure-trove of readings and resources, including a number of selected "Readings for philosophers and Catholics".
Reflections on America 1956. [Entire book available online].
Christianity and Democracy Dec. 1949. From a typewritten manuscript by Jacques Maritain, who gave this address at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in New York on the 29th of December 1949 and again at Gettysburg College under the auspices of the Adams County Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews on the 19th of February 1950.
Lord Acton (1834-1902)
Described as "the magistrate of history," Lord Acton was one of the great personalities of the nineteenth century and is universally considered to be one of the most learned Englishmen of his time. He made the history of liberty his life's work; indeed, he considered political liberty the essential condition and guardian of religious liberty. - Acton Institute
Relevant Addresses by / about Lord Acton
The History of Freedom in Antiquity Address delivered to the members of the Bridgemouth Institute on February 26, 1877.
The History of Freedom in Christianity Address delivered to the members of the Bridgemouth Institute on May 28, 1877.
The History of Freedom and Other Essays (1907), ed. by John Neville Figgis and Reginald Vere Laurence (London: Macmillan, 1907). [Entire book available online and in .pdf format].
Lord Acton, Cardinal Newman, and How To Be Ahead of Your Time, by Fr. Richard J. Neuhaus. First Things 105 (August/September 2000).
Catholicism and the Architecture of Freedom, by Cardinal George Pell. The 1999 Acton Lecture. The Centre for Independent Studies
6pm, Wednesday, August 4th 1999 Customs House, Sydney.
Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
Relevent Texts
Economic Harmonies Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., trans. W. Hayden Boyers, ed. George B. de Huszar, 1996. First published: 1850, in French.
Economic Sophisms Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., trans. and ed. Arthur Goddard, 1996. First published: 1845, in French.
The Law. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., trans. Dean Russell, 1998. First published: 1850, in French.
Relevant Articles / Resources
An Annotated Bibliography by Sheldon Richman. The Library of Economics and Liberty.
Claude-Frederic Bastiat, by Stanislas A. Lortie. Entry - Catholic Enyclopedia 1917.
Bastiat’s Christian Defense of Morality in the Law, by Steve Farrell.