The Ongoing Exchange - Various Articles
About the Periodicals
- Commonweal - The editors proudly boast: Historian Rodger Van Allen describes Commonweal as "perhaps the most significant lay enterprise and achievement in the history of American Catholicism." Others may differ, of course, but it is an entertaining read, generally "progressive Catholic" in tone and content, tilting leftward along the lines of the National Catholic Reporter and the Jesuit weekly America.
- Communio - [From the website]: Communio: International Catholic Review was founded in the early 70s by friends and collaborators of Pope John Paul II, such as Joseph Ratzinger, Henri de Lubac, and Hans Urs von Balthasar. John Paul II unarguably set the Church on the path to the genuine renewal called for by the Second Vatican Council—a renewal that eschews both accommodation to the zeitgeist and sectarian bitterness in order to let the light of the Gospel shine on the questions, problems, and anxieties of the age. Ever since its inception, Communio has been committed to this program of renewal through return to the sources of the authentic Tradition.
Crisis Magazine - [from the website]: "The mission of CRISIS Magazine is to interpret and shape the direction of contemporary culture from a standpoint of Catholic tradition. We are dedicated to the proposition that the crisis of modernity can be answered by a Christian humanism rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church. We bring the wisdom of the Catholic tradition into direct dialogue with contemporary politics and culture."
- First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. It is especially known as the forum for such voices as Michael Novak, George Weigel, Richard John Neuhaus, and Cardinal Avery Dulles.
Houston Catholic Worker, edited by Mark & Louise Zwick of Casa San Diego
- Markets & Morality, published by the Acton Institute, "promotes intellectual exploration of the relationship between economics and morality from both social science and theological perspectives. It seeks to bring together theologians, philosophers, economists, and other scholars for dialogue concerning the morality of the marketplace."
- The New Pantagruel - [From the website] The New Pantagruel, published by Pantagruel Press, is a quarterly electronic journal run by a cadre of intemperate but friendly Catholics and Protestants who have seen other electronic journals run by Christians, and thought that while they might not be able to do better, they could certainly do no worse. The New Pantagruel does not have a doctrinal statement such as is typical for publications of this sort because its creators haven't managed to agree on one. They do have an idea of what they’re about though, and if interested, you can read about it in the introduction to The New Pantagruel." Despite their disclaimer, they are by and large favorable to the "Augustinian Thomists" and generally critical of the "Whig Thomists" (Neuhaus, Novak, Weigel).
Religion & Liberty, is a newsletter published by the Acton Institute for the study of Religion and Liberty.
- The University Concourse - is an independent journal of opinion published at Franciscan University, Ave Maria University and related Catholic institutions of higher learning. See the 'topics' directory for exchange of ideas on 'Christianity & Capitalism' and 'Distributism.'
Selected Articles
Debate Continues Over Effects of the Market Zenit News Service. February 18, 2006. Discussion of John Bogle's The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism and John Meadowcroft's The Ethics of the Market.
Theocracy as a Parlor Game, by Patrick O'Hannigan. The New Pantagruel Spring 2006.
Virtue and the Market: Corporate Social Responsibility Under the Microscope Nov. 19, 2005. Discussion of University of California professor David Vogel, The Market for Virtue (Brookings Institution Press).
Benedict XVI Says Church Respects Civil Authority Zenit News Service. Nov. 19, 2005.
Pontiff Points to Christ as Model for New Humanism Zenit. Nov. 17, 2005.
"Healing the Rift Between Faith and Culture": Part 1 | Part 2, interview w. Jaime Antúnez, Editor of Humanitas. Zenit. October 11-12, 2005.
Back to Christendom: One Cardinal’s response to secularization, by William D. Wood. Commmonweal June 17, 2005 / Volume CXXXII, Number 12. -- RESPONSE: Versailles, Yalta, secularism & the pope, by Cardinal George. Commonweal July 15, 2005 / Volume CXXXII, Number 13.
Understanding Traditionalist Conservatism, by Marc C. Henrie. The New Pantagruel Volume Two, Issue Two Spring 2005.
Catholics and Democracy: Michael Williams & the culture wars, by Paul Baumann. Commonweal November 5, 2004 / Volume CXXXI, Number 19.
Rendering Unto Caesar: New Challenges for Church & State, by Dr. Samuel Greg. Acton Lecture on Religion & Freedom. May 18, 2004.
Christianity and Liberalism: Two Alternative Religious Approaches, by David T. Koyzis. The New Pantagruel Volume One, Issue Three. Summer 2004.
Rendering unto Caesar New Challenges for Church and State, by Dr. Samuel Gregg. The 2004 Acton Lecture. The Centre for Independent Studies Tuesday 18 May, 2004 The Auditorium, Australian Stock Exchange, Sydney.
Whig vs. Augustianian Thomists, by Jeremy Beer The New Pantagruel Volume One, Issue Two. Spring 2004.
Why Attack Liberalism, by Seamus McCracken. [correspondence] The New Pantagruel Volume One, Issue Two. Spring 2004.
Liberalism and its Meaning for Christians, by James Kalb. The New Pantagruel Volume One, Issue Two. Spring 2004.
Christian Morality and Market Capitalism: Friends or Foes?, by Ian Harper. 2003 Acton Lecture. The Centre for Independent Studies Wednesday 19 November 2003.
Catholicism and the Economy: Augustine and Aquinas on Property Ownership, by Richard J. Dougherty, University of Dallas. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 6, Number 2. Fall 2003.
The Church and Free Markets – Capitalism? Saint Francis Invented That, by Sandro Magister. L'Espresso. Sept. 9, 2003.
Christian Morality and Market Capitalism: Friends or Foes?, by Ian Harper. Acton Lecture on Religion & Freedom. Nov. 19, 2003.
Human Dignity, Human Rights and Moral Responsibility, by Cardinal George Pell. Archbishop of Sydney. Presented to the John Cardinal Krol Chair of Moral Theology Symposium on Catholic Moral Teaching in the Pontificate of John Paul II. October 4, 2003.
Behind Jefferson's Wall, Michael Knox Beran. City Journal Spring 2003.
Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, and Mater Et Magistra - "Three documents at a glance", adapted excerpt of an address by Father Jose Vidamor B. Yu given Sept. 29, 2003 at the theologians videoconference organized by the Vatican Congregation for Clergy.
The Culture of Consumerism: A Catholic and Personalist Critique, by Gregory R. Beabout and Eduardo J. Echeverria. Journal of Markets and Morality Vol. 5, No. 2. Fall 2002.
Catholics & the liberal tradition: still compatible, by Michael Lacey, William M. Shea. Commonweal, Oct 11, 2002.
Jacques Maritain's "Democratic Faith": Heretical or Orthodox?, by Thaddeus J. Kozinski. Catholic University of America. 2002.
Is America a Christian Nation?, by Carl Pearlston. Connecticut Jewish Ledger (April, 2001).
Freedom and Culture in the Americas: Reflections on Ecclesia in America, by Kevin E. Schmiesing. Josephinum Journal of Theology Summer/Fall 2001.
The Catholic Virtue Tradition and the American Prospect, by Dr. Ralph McInerny. Conference on "Catholic Virtues, American Virtues" sponsored by the Faith and Reason Institute. February 2-3, 2001.
Markets & Morals, by Jonathan Sacks. First Things 105 (August/September 2000)
John Paul II's Use of the Term Neo-Liberalism in Ecclesia in America, by Michel Therrien. Based on a paper delivered at the Pontifical College Josephinum April 8, 2000.
Capitalism, Only One Cheer, by Lewis E. Lehrman. Crisis 18 no. 4 (April 2000): 28-33.
Dignitatis Humanae and American Constitutional Law, by Gerard V. Bradley. Catholic Dossier March/April 2000.
Divine Wisdom and Christian Humanism, by Father Augustine Di Noia. Faith & Reason Institute Lecture. February 23, 2000.
Liberalism's Three Assaults, by Thomas Storck. Homiletic & Pastoral Review. January 2000.
"The Crisis of Liberal Catholicism" - Roundtable. Commonweal November 19, 1999 / Volume CXXVI, Number 20.
John Paul II and the Problem of Consumerism, by Raymond J. de Souza. Religion & Liberty Sept.-October. 1999. The Acton Institute.
The Moral Foundations of a Free Polity. Samuel Gregg interviews Archbishop Dr George Pell. Policy Autumn 1999. [Also in .pdf format].
Catholicism and the Architecture of Freedom, by Archbishop George Pell. Acton Lecture on Religion & Freedom. August 4, 1999.
Is America Catholic?, by Sean C. Vinck. Catholic Dossier May-June 1999.
The Economic Personalism of John Paul II: Neither Right Nor Left, by Daniel Rush Finn. Journal of Markets & Morality Vol. 2, No. 1. Spring 1999.
Liberty and the Virtue of Prudence: A Catholic Perspective, by Todd R. Flanders. Journal of Markets & Morality Vol. 2, No. 1. Spring 1999. [Partially written as a response to David Schindler, Alasdair MacIntyre, George Grant, and Michael J. Baxter].
The Principle of Subsidiarity and Freedom in the Family, Church, Market, and Government, by Greagory R. Beabout. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 1, Number 2. October 1998.
The Splendour of Realism: The Continuity of Catholic Social Thought in the Papal Magisterium from Leo XIII to John Paul II, by Fr. John-Peter Pham. Catholic Dossier March/April 1998.
The Need for Economic Personalism, by Gregory M. A. Gronbacher. Markets and Morality Volume 1, Number 1 • March 1998.
Crucified Between Two Thieves: Catholic Social Teaching vs. Right & Left, by Anthony Basile. CultureWars.com Jan. 1998.
A Philosophical and Historical Analysis of Modern Democracy, by Rev. Joseph M. de Torre. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio, 1997.
The Conceptual Foundations of Democratic Capitalism, by Dr. Edward Younkins. The Social Critic Winter, 1998.
Western Creed: Western Identity, by Jude P. Dougherty. Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter Vol. 21, No. 3. Summer 1998. pp. 13-20. [.pdf format].
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, by Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger. First Things 76 (October 1997).
John Paul II on the American Experiment. Statement of John Paul II to the Ambassador to the Holy See on December 16, 1997. First Things 82 (April 1998)
Some Economic and Cultural Considerations of Capitalism, by Thomas Storck. Caelum Et Terra Vol 5 no 1 Winter 1995.
A Civilization of Love: The Pope's Call to the West. Joint Statement signed by Mark & Louise Zwick, David Schindler of Communio, Dale Vree of New Oxford Review (among others). Houston Catholic Worker, November 1995.
Orestes Brownson: The First American Catholic Intellectual 1803-1875, by Rev. Msgr. George Kelly. Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter. Vol. 18, No. 3. July 1995. pp. 2-4. [.pdf format]
Christianity and the West: Ambiguous Past, Uncertain Future, by Wolfhart Pannenberg. First Things 48 (December 1994): 18-23.
Was Aquinas a Whig? St. Thomas on Regime, by Kenneth R. Craycraft, Jr. Faith & Reason Fall 1994.
The Liberalism that We Need, by Maciej Zieba. First Things 40 (February 1994): 23-27.
A Civilization of Love: The Pope's Call to the West, by Dan Nichols, et al. Drafted by a group of Catholic editors and journalists and published concurrently in each of the signers’ journals (The Catholic Worker, Communio and The Chesterton Review) to "challenge the claims of Catholic 'neo-conservatives' on behalf of 'the spirit of democratic capitalism.'"
We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition, by Donald D'Elia. Chap. 5 in We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition The Thought of Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. and its Relevance Today. 62-76. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan University Press, 1993.
The Truths They Held: The Christian and Natural Law Background to the American Constitution, by Robert R. Reilly. Chap. 6 of We Hold These Truths and More: Further Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition. The Thought of Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. and its Relevance Today. Edited by J. D'Elia & Stephen M. Krason. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan University Press, 1993.
Liberalism, Democratic Capitalism, and the Catholic Human Rights Revolution, by Kenneth L. Grasso. Faith & Reason Winter 1991.
The Third Way of Centesimus Annus: Is it elusive or merely an illusion?, by Damian Fedoryka, Ph.D. Faith & Reason Winter 1991.
Is America Liberal?, by Michael Schwarz. Faith & Reason Winter 1991.
* * *
The Religious Heritage of American Democracy, by Joseph F. Costanzo. Chap. 1 in This Nation Under God: Church, State and Schools in America. 24-48. New York: Herder and Herder, 1964.
American "Freedom": Can it Shed Its Enlightenment Roots?, by Stephen Hand. TCRNews.com.
Approaches to Economics
Economic Personalism
"Economic personalism is a science of the morality of markets--an attempt to analyze the moral ramifications of economic activity in light of a theological vision of the human person. This includes a detailed exploration of economic theory, history, and methodology, as well as actual market practices, all viewed from the perspective of the Christian faith, particularly its recognition of the dignity of the human person and the concern for justice that stems from this recognition. . . .
Economic personalists seek to provide a wholistic account of personal existence and thus supplement genuine economic science with a science of morality for the marketplace. Building upon the best in the Christian tradition, they seek to employ a specific understanding of humanity, one called personalism, coupled with the best economic science generated after a century of global market activity and theoretical development. In short, they seek nothing less than a fully Christian economic science, one that takes full account of the truths of productivity in the market along with the truth about the human person." -- Gregory M. A. Gronbacher The Need for Economic Personalism
What is Economic Personalism?
Statement of Principles for Economic Personalism [Acton Institute].
Relevant Articles
The Context of Economic Personalism, by Kevin E. Schmiesing. Research Fellow. Center for Economic Personalism. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 4, Number 2. Fall 2001.
What Is Economic Personalism? A Phenomenological Analysis, by Gloria L. Zúñiga. Research Fellow. Center for Economic Personalism. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 4, Number 2. Fall 2001.
The Late-Scholastic and Austrian Link to Modern Catholic Economic Thought, by Fr. Robert Sirico. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 1, Number 1. March 1998.
Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Congress for the Development of Economic Personalism August 9–12, 2001 Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Moderator's Opening Remarks, by Dr. Samuel Gregg.
The Affirmation of Genuine Human Dignity, by Marc D. Guerra. Assistant Professor of Theology. Assumption College.
-- Reply to Marc Guerra's "The Affirmation of Genuine Human Dignity", by Ricardo F. Crespo. Professor of Philosophy of Economics
Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Social Nature of the Human Person in Economic Personalism, by Richard Bayer. Chief Operating Officer. Five O'Clock Club.
-- Reply to Richard Bayer's "The Social Nature of the Human Person in Economic Personalism", by Eduardo J. Echeverria. Associate Professor of Philosophy. Conception Seminary College.
Catena sive Umbilicus: A Christian View of Social Institutions, by John Bolt. Professor of Systematic Theology. Calvin Theological Seminary.
-- Reply to John Bolt's "Catena sive Umbilicus: A Christian View of Social Institutions", by Gary Quinlivan. Dean, Alex G. McKenna School of Business, Economics, and Government. Saint Vincent College.
Know Thy Limits: The Noneconomics of Abundance, by Mark Broski, O.S.B. Chair, Economics Department. Benedictine College.
-- Reply to Mark Broski's "Know Thy Limits: The Noneconomics of Abundance", by Gloria L. Zúñiga. Research Fellow. Center for Economic Personalism.
Economic Liberty, by Paul A. Cleveland. Adjunct Scholar, Center for Economic Personalism. Associate Professor of Economics. Birmingham-Southern College.
-- Reply to Paul Cleveland's "Economic Liberty", by Stephen J. Grabill. Research Fellow. Center for Economic Personalism.
The Primacy of Culture, by Gregory R. Beabout. Professor of Philosophy. Saint Louis University.
-- Reply to Gregory Beabout's "The Primacy of Culture", by Kevin E. Schmiesing. Research Fellow. Center for Economic Personalism.
The 'Finn-Gronbacher Debate' 1998-2001
The Need for Economic Personalism, by Gregory M. A. Gronbacher. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 1, Number 1. March 1998.
The Economic Personalism of John Paul II: Neither Right Nor Left, by Daniel Rush Finn. Professor of Economics and Theology. Saint John’s University. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 2, Number 1. Spring 1999.
The Humane Economy: Neither Right nor Left: A Response to Daniel Rush Finn, Gregory M.A. Gronbacher. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 2, Number 2. Fall 1999.
On the Choice of Method in Economics:Options for Humanists: A Response to Gregory Gronbacher, by Daniel Rush Finn. Professor of Economics and Theology
Saint John's University. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 3, Number 2. Fall 2000.
The Finn–Gronbacher Debate, by Gabriel J. Zanotti. Associate Professor of Philosophy. Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 4, Number 2. Fall 2001.
Additional Contributors
Cardinal Avery Dulles
Challenges to Moral and Cultural Renewal University of Notre Dame: Center for Ethics & Culture: given on the occasion of the Center's fifth anniversary. Sept. 28, 2004.
Truth as the Ground of Freedom: A Theme from John Paul II, The Acton Institute: Occasional Papers. 2002.
Religious Freedom and Pluralism Journal of Markets Morality Vol. 5, No. 1. Spring 2002.
Religious Freedom: Innovation & Development. First Things 118 (December 2001): 35-39.
Enjoying and Making Use of a Responsible Freedom. Religion & Liberty. The Acton Institute.September-October 2001.
Centesimus Annus and the Renewal of Culture. Journal of Markets & Morality, Volume 2, Number 1-Spring 1999. The Acton Institute.
John Paul II & the Truth about Freedom. First Things 55 (August/September 1995).
Other Articles by Cardinal Avery Dulles.
Fr. James V. Schall
On Faith, Reason and Politics - On Catholic Political Philosophy (Part 1). September 10, 2005.
On Worship as the Consummation of Philosophy - On Catholic Political Philosophy (Part 2). September 10, 2005.
On Learning and Education; On Reading and Writing and Chesterton, Sports, and Politics -- 3 part interview with Carl Olson of Ignatius Insight. August 2005.
On Reason and Faith: A Conversation with Fr. James Schall: Part I; Part II. Interview with Ken Masugi. The Claremont Review Dec. 23, 2002. Interview held at Georgetown University, Dec. 5, 2002.
"Catholicism and the Forms of Democracy" (Online; Microsoft Word DOC - 67 KB). From Gregorianum, Rome, 75 (#3, 1994), 469-9.
"The Role of Christian Philosophy in Politics" (Online; Microsoft Word DOC - 47 KB). From The American Catholic Philosophic Quarterly, LXIX (#1, 1995), 1-14.
"How Revelation Addresses Itself to Politics" (Online; Microsoft Word DOC - 52 KB). From Policy Reform & Moral Grounding, Edited by T. William Boxx and Gary Quinlivan (Latrobe, PA.: St. Vincent College Center for Economic and Policy Education, 1995), pp. 1-20.
"Entitlements: Unintended Paradoxes of the Generous State" (Online; Microsoft Word DOC - 59 KB). From Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 11 (#2, 1997), 467-85.
Truth as a Democratic Project From Modern Age, 40 (Winter, 1998), 33-43.
The Bishops’ Pastoral on Economics & Social Justice Intercollegiate Review Volume 21, Number 1 — Fall 1985. [.pdf format]
See Also:
Read more Schall here: "Another Sort of Learning" Web site [High bandwidth] [Low bandwidth]
Fr. Ernest A. Fortin
Final Tribute for a Scholar: Perspectives co-founder Fr. Fortin's reputation went well beyond BC, by Reid Oslin, Staff Writer. Boston College Chronicle October 31, 2002.
Tribute to Ernest Fortin - First Things 129 (January 2003). [Fortin was on the advisory board of First Things from the beginning. In his column "The Public Square", Fr. Richard J. Neuhaus gives a brief eulogy for a departed friend].
Published Works (Relevant to the discussion)
Volume Two of "Ernest Fortin: Collected Essays": Classical Christianity and the Political Order
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (July, 1996)
Volume Three of "Ernest Fortin: Collected Essays": Human Rights, Virtue and the Common Good Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (January, 1997)
Relevant Articles
What Does Ernest Fortin Have to Say to Political Philosophers? by Douglas Kries. Posted August 26, 2002. Presented at a panel, "Reason and Revelation: The Legacy of Ernest Fortin," at the 2002 APSA annual meeting, on Thursday August 29, 2002.
Ernest Fortin's Teaching for Catholics, by Walter J. Nicgorski. Paper presented at a panel on Reason and Revelation: The Legacy of Ernest Fortin at the 2002 APSA annual meeting. [Reprinted by the Claremont Review of Books].
Rethinking the Foundations of Religious Freedom: Fr. Fortin, The Bible, and the Separation of Church and State in America, by Vincent Phillip Muñoz. Posted August 26, 2002. Presented at a panel, Reason and Revelation: The Legacy of Ernest Fortin at the 2002 APSA annual meeting.
Kenneth L. Grasso
Kenneth L. Grasso teaches in the Department of Political Science at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos.
Relevant Articles
An Unfinished Argument: John Courtney Murray, Dignitatis Humanae and the Catholic Theory of the State Faith and Reason Institute [year?]
Democracy, Modernity and the Catholic Human Rights Revolution: Reflections on [Robert Kraynak's] Christian Faith and Modern Democracy. Catholic Social Science Review
Volume IX 2004.
Liberalism, Civil Society, and the Promise of Compassionate Conservatism The Intercollegiate Review Fall/Spring 2000-01. [.pdf]
“Putting Liberalism In Question”: Principled Pluralism and the Quest for an American Public Philosophy. In Response to James W. Skillen's lecture "American Statecraft: A New Art for the 21st Century." The 2000 Kuyper Lecture. SouthWest Texas State U. September 29, 2000. [.pdf]
"Beyond Liberalism: Human Dignity, the Free Society, and the Second Vatican Council" pp. 29-58. Catholicism, Liberalism, and Communitarianism, edited by Kenneth L. Grasso, Gerard V. Bradley and Robert P. Hunt. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1995.
Liberalism, Democratic Capitalism and the Catholic Human Rights Revolution Faith and Reason Winger 1991.
Peter Augustine Lawler
Dr. Lawler is Professor of Government at Berry College in Georgia. He is author of Postmodernism Rightly Understood: The Return to Realism in American Thought (1999), and editor of the quarterly journal Perspectives on Political Science. In March 2004, Dr. Lawler was named to the President's Council on Bioethics, chaired by Leon Kass.
Relevant Articles
Tocqueville at 200. (Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2005). [.pdf format].
The American Individual Today The New Pantagruel Volume Two, Issue Three
Summer 2005. [Introduction from Stuck With Virtue: The American Individual and Our Biotechnological Future in the Religion and Contemporary Culture series, forthcoming from ISI Books in October 2005].
The Caregiving Society The New Atlantis Number 8 - Spring 2005.
Orestes Brownson and the Truth About America First Things 128 (December 2002): 23-28.
The Libertarian Threat to Human Liberty Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs. Guest Commentary May 2002.
Nature, Grace, and "The Last Days of Disco" Intercollegiate Studies Review Volume 35, Number 2 — Spring 2000. [.pdf format] - From the ISI Symposium "Film, Comedy, and Christian Humanism: A First Look at Whit Stillman."
Democratic Therapy and the End of Community Intercollegiate Studies Review Volume 32, Number 2 — Spring 1997. [.pdf format].
Tocqueville, Biotechnology, and the Future of Human Liberty Belmont Abbey College October 17, 2003.
Democracy in America ISI Piety Hill Conference, Mecosta, MI. July 24, 1997.
Links to Other Online Lectures courtesy of Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
holds an AB from Harvard and a PhD from Columbia. He teaches history, is associate editor of The Latin Mass Magazine, and is author, most recently, of The Church Confronts Modernity: Catholic Intellectuals and the Progressive Era (Columbia), The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History (Regnery) and The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy (Lexington).
Relevant Articles
Columns for LewRockwell.com:
Catholics and Capitalism, by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. LewRockwell.com. Nov. 12, 2004.
On the Actual Progress of Peoples June 22, 2004.
Morality and Economic Law: Toward a Reconciliation The Lou Church Memorial Lecture in Religion and Economics, Austrian Scholars Conference, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, March 20, 2004.
Three Catholic Cheers for Capitalism Oct. 7, 2002.
Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Law: An Unresolved Tension. A discussion of Catholic social thought and the question of the just wage. March 22, 2002.
Fr. Michael Baxter
Relevant Articles
"Blowing the Dynamite of the Church": Catholic Radicalism from a Catholic Radicalist Perspective, Houston Catholic Worker, Vol. XIX, No. 3, March-April 1999.
The Baxter Affair, a compilation of related material pertaining to the controversy surrounding Fr. Baxter's appointment to the University of Notre Dame.
Professor Todd Whitmore
Prof. Whitmore is Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Program in Catholic Social Tradition at the University of Notre Dame [Faculty Homepage]
Capitalism, the Free Market, and the Difference Between Them Sept. 22, 1998.
The Loyal Dissent of Neo-Conservative Economics, Part I Oct. 2, 1998.
The Loyal Dissent of Neo-Conservative Economics, Part II Oct. 16, 1998.
The Loyal Dissent of Neo-Conservative Economics, Part III Nov. 6, 1998.
A Response to the Loyal Dissent of Neo-Conservative Economics Nov. 20, 1998.
A Reply to Mr. Novak April 27, 1999.
For more of Prof. David Whitmore's columns click here.