The 'Communio' School
Dr. David Schindler
David Schindler is Gagnon professor of fundamental theology at the John Paul II Institute for the Study of Marriage and the Family in Washington, D.C., and editor of the North American edition of Communio, the international theological review. A nationally recognized author, teacher and lecturer, his latest book is Heart of the World, Center of the Church (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich.)
Published Works (relevant to the discussion):
Heart of the World, Center of the Church: Communio Ecclesiology, Liberalism, and Liberation Eerdmans (October 1996)
Wealth, Poverty, and Human Destiny edited by David Schindler, Doug Bandow. ISI Books (August 1, 2003).
Catholicism and Secularization in America: Essays on Nature, Grace and Culture, edited by David Schindler. Our Sunday Visitor (March 1, 1990)
Relevant Articles
"What a Lay Person Is" - Interview with John Allen Jr. National Catholic Reporter May 19, 2006.
Interview w/ John Allen Jr. National Catholic Reporter Nov. 22, 2003.
Threads Interview with David Schindler, editor of Communio.
The root and face of Relativism Traces interview. [Communion & Liberation] May 2005.
Religious Freedom, Truth & American Liberalism: Another Look at John Courtney Murray. Communio Winter 1994.
PLEASE NOTE: As with my other websites, my references are by and large limited to what's available on the web -- regretfully, Communio hasn't yet followed the norm of other Catholic periodicals in making their contents available online to the general public (free or by subscription).
As representative of the "Augustinian Thomists" I appreciate Dr. Schindler's contributions to the debate, but as he is generally published in Communio he falls among those authors who aren't as accessible online. Fortunately, David of the Catholic blog la nouvelle théologie provides a list of "must-read" Communio articles from Dr. Schindler and company (including an exchange btw. Schindler and Weigel):
Schindler, David L. "Editorial: On Being Catholic in America." 14, no. 3 (1987): 213-14.
---. "Is America Bourgeois?" 14, no. 3 (1987): 262-90.
---. "Once Again: George Weigel, Catholicism and American Culture." 15, no. 1 (1988): 92-121.
---. "The Church's 'Worldly' Mission: Neoconservatism and American Culture." 18, no. 3 (1991): 365-97.
---. "Response to Mark Lowery." 18, no. 3 (1991): 450-72.
---. "Religious Freedom, Truth, and American Liberalism: Another Look at John Courtney Murray." 21, no. 4 (1994): 696-741.
---. "Christological Aesthetics and Evangelium Vitae: Toward a Definition of Liberalism." 22, no. 2 (1995): 193-224.
---. "Christology and the Imago Dei: Interpreting Gaudium et Spes." 23, no. 1 (1996): 156-84.
---. "Modernity, Postmodernity, and the Problem of Atheism." 24, no. 3 (1997): 563-79.
---. "Reorienting the Church on the Eve of the Millennium: John Paul II's 'New Evangelization.'" 24, no. 4 (1997): 728-79.
---. "Luigi Giussani on the 'Religious Sense' and the Cultural Situation of Our Time." 25, no. 1 (1998): 141-150.
---. "'The Religious Sense' and American Culture." 25, no. 4 (1998): 679-699.
---. "Beauty, Transcendence, and the Face of the Other: Religion and Culture in America." 26, no. 4 (1999): 915 NC.
---. "Homelessness and the Modern Condition: The Family, Community, and the Global Economy." 27, no. 3 (2000): 411-30.
---. "Toward a Culture of Life: The Eucharist, the 'Restoration' of Creation, and the 'Worldy' Task of the Laity." 29, no. 4 (2002): 679-690.
Weigel, George. "Is America Bourgeois?: A Response to David Schindler." 15, no. 1 (1988): 77-91.
---. "Response to Mark Lowery." 18, no. 3 (1991): 439-449.
Lowery, Mark. "The Schindler/Weigel Debate: An Appraisal." 18, no. 3 (1991): 425-38.
Wendell Berry, Lorenzo Albacete, Eric Perl, V. Bradley Lewis, and John Berkman. "A Conversation with Wendell Berry." 27, no. 1 (2000): 59-82.
Dr. Tracy Rowland
Dr. Tracy Rowland is the Dean of the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family based in Melbourne, and a Permanent Fellow of the Institute of Political Philosophy and Continental Theology. She holds degrees in Law, Politics and Philosophy from the Universities of Queensland and Melbourne and a Doctorate from the Divinity School of the University of Cambridge. She is a member of the editorial board of the international Catholic journal, Communio, and a member of the Commission for Australian Catholic women. Her current research interests include Theological Anthropology, The Philosophy of Language and it relevance to the New Evangelisation, The Thomist Tradition, Theological Critiques of the Political Philosophy of Liberalism, Genealogies of Modernity and Post-Modernity, Communio Ecclisiology and interpretations of Vatican II.
Published Works (relevant to the discussion)
Culture and the Thomist Tradition: After Vatican II Routledge; 1 edition (April 1, 2003)
Articles / Interviews
Benedict XVI, Thomism, and Liberal Culture: Tracey Rowland on the Church's Response to Modernity [Interview with Zenit.org.]. July 24/25, 2005. Part I; Part II.
John Paul II and Human Dignity Public Lecture for Feast of Sts Peter & Paul, June 2005. [.pdf format]
Interview Oct. 29, 2004.
Should we abandon Christendom?. An edited version of an address delivered at the 10th Annual Conference of the Ecclesia Dei Society held in Brisbane, 8-10 September.
The Pastoral Relevance of Beauty. Oriens Summer 2002.
Additional Voices
Alasdair MacIntyre
Alasdair MacIntyre has written widely in philosophy since his first book, Marxism: An Interpretation , appeared in 1953. He has taught at Oxford University, Princeton University, Brandeis University, Boston University, Wellesley College, Vanderbilt University, Duke University, and the University of Notre Dame. In 1989 he was a Luce Visiting Scholar at the Whitney Humanities Center of Yale University. He has also served as President of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association. Professor MacIntyre is the author of over thirty books, including the influential triumvirate of recent works: After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory (1981), Whose Justice? Which Rationality? (1988), and Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: Encyclopaedia, Genealogy, and Tradition (1990). He has made prominent contributions to the history of philosophy, moral philosophy, political theory, philosophy of the social sciences, and philosophy of religion. He is currently working on a number of projects, including an examination of the philosophical work of Edith Stein set against the background of twentieth century phenomenology.
Bio from the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
A Bibliography of the Works of Alasdair MacIntyre, compiled by William Hughes, Dept. of Philosophy. University of Guelph.
Relevant Articles
By MacIntyre
The Only Vote Worth Casting in November Opinion piece on the 2004 U.S. Presidential election.
About MacIntyre
Some Contemporary Challenges for the Life and the Thought of the Church, as Seen from the West, by Javier MartÃnez Archbishop of Granada. Second Spring website. [date of publication unknown].
Did Benedict XVI Take a Page Out of MacIntyre's Book?, by Nathan Smith. TechCentralStation. April 22, 2005.
About 'AfterVirtue' by A. MacIntyre compilation of of a group of posts from Marijo Cook. August 30, 2003 - Sept. 11, 2003.
Virtue and After: MacIntyre's Solution to a Modern Dilemma, by Sara Staggs. Sewanee Senior Philosophy Essays. Class of 2003.
Still Waiting for Benedict, by Gilbert Meilaender. First Things 96 (October 1999): 47-55. Responding to MacIntyre's Dependent Rational Animals and Kelvin Knight's The MacIntyre Reader.
The Achievement of Alasdair MacIntyre by Edward T. Oakes. First Things 65 (August/September 1996): 22-26.
After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntryre Notes by Dr. Ronald C. Arnett
Theological reflections on MacIntyre's After Virtue, by Peter Sellick. Published in Trinity Occasional Papers Vol XV.No1 (1996) in honour of Revd Dr Michael Owen.
Robert Kraynak
Robert Kraynak is professor of political science at Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.
Published Works (Relevant to the Discussion):
Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God & Politics in the Fallen World University of Notre Dame Press (September 1, 2001).
Relevent Articles
Church-State Relations in America and Europe - Interview w. Zenit News Service.
Aquinas for the Democratic Age. Review of Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory, by John P. Hittinger. Claremont Review of Books Spring 2004.
The Illusion of Christian Democracy Conclusion to a symposium on Christian Faith and Modern Democracy, on the tension between Christianity and modern liberal democracy. [.pdf format]
Natural Rights and the American Experiment: Some Problems for Christian Theology Lecture for The Witherspoon Fellowship. March 12, 2004.
Aquinas for the Democratic Age. Review of Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory, by John P. Hittinger. Claremont Review of Books Spring 2004.
Conservative Critics of Modernity: Can They Turn Back the Clock? The Intercollegiate Review Volume 37, Number 1 - Fall 2001.
Interview - Mars Hill Audio Journal Vol. 54.
About Kraynak
From Journal of Markets & Morality Volume 7, Number 2. Fall 2004:
Christian Faith and Modern Democracy - A Symposium - Catholic Social Science Review Volume IX (2004) - [NOTE: all articles in Adobe .pdf format]:
- Introduction - Kenneth L. Grasso.
- About Christian Faith and Modern Democracy, by Robert Kraynak.
- Words That Sound Alike But Have Different Meanings, by Gary Glenn.
- Making the Christian Case for Democracy, by Jeanne Heffernan
- Democracy, Modernity, and the Catholic Human Rights Revolution, by Kenneth L. Grasso.
- Kraynak: Christianity vs. Modernity?, by Robert P. Hunt.
- Christian and Democrat? The Trans-Political Character of Christian Democracy, by Timothy Sherratt.
- Freedom, Equality, Dignity of the Human Person, by Norris W. Clarke, SJ.
- Personhood as Gift and Task, by Gregory Beabout.
- Christianity, a Culture of Love, and Kraynakâs PRIVATE Critique, by David S. Crawford.
- The Illusion of Christian Democracy, by Robert Kraynak.
Dr. Joseph A. Varacalli
Dr. Varacalli is Professor of Sociology and newly appointed Director of the Center for Catholic Studies at Nassau Community College. In 1992, he co-founded (with Stephen M. Krason) the Society of Catholic Social Scientists. He is the author, most recently, of Bright Promise, Failed Community: Catholics and the American Public Order.
Published Works (relevant to the discussion)
Bright Promise, Failed Community: Catholics and the American Public Order Lexington Books (January 2000).
Relevant Articles
Catholic Social Thought And American Civilization Homiletic & Pastoral Review Oct. 2002.
Catholicism & Democracy Homiletic & Pastoral Review May. 2002.
Putting the Catholic House Back Together. Lay Witness April 2001.
The Failure Of The Therapeutic: Implications For Society And Church. Faith & Reason Spring 1997.
The Contemporary Culture War In America: Whither Natural Law, Catholic Style? Faith & Reason Winter 1995.
The Catholic Religious and Cultural Center: A Contemporary Call on Behalf of the Faith. Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter Vol. 18, No. 3. July 1995. pp. 22-26. [.pdf format].
Multi-Culturalism, Catholicism and American Civilization. Homiletic and Pastoral Review March 1994.
Granting a Little Too Much to America: One Neo-Conservative on the Renewal of American Democracy. Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter Vol. 13, No. 3. June 1990. p. 21 ff. [review of Catholicism and the Renewal of American Democracy, by George Weigel].
Neo-Orthodoxy, the Crisis of Authority, and the Future of the Catholic Church in the United States. Faith & Reason Fall 1989.
Stanley Hauerwas
Stanley Hauerwas is Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School, NC. A Methodist, he was named "Americaâs Best Theologian" by Time in 2001 and is well-known for his biting and controversial critique of Christianity's flirtation with liberalism.
Published Works (Relevant to the discussion)
A Better Hope: Resources for a Church Confronting Capitalism, Democracy, and Postmodernity razos Press; Reprint edition (November 1, 2000)
After Christendom? How the Church Is to Behave If Freedom, Justice, and a Christian Nation Are Bad Ideas Abingdon Press (October 1, 1991)
In Good Company: The Church as Polis University of Notre Dame Press (July 1, 1995).
Articles by Hauerwas
John Paul II: Assessing His Legacy Commonweal April 22, 2005 / Volume CXXXII, Number 8.
Preaching As Though We Had Enemies First Things 53 (May 1995).
Articles about Hauerwas
Can't We Just Argue? - Ideas of Stanley Hauerwas, by William Cavanaugh. Christian Century August 1, 2001.
Christianity and Liberalism: A Call for Change from Stanley Hauerwas, by Nathan C. Clendenin.
The Very American Stanley Hauerwas, by Stephen Webb. First Things 124 (June/July 2002): 12-14.
For more articles on Hauerwas, see Hauerwas Online: Unofficial Internet Archive
Eugene McCarraher
Dr. Eugene McCarraher [Academic Homepage] is Assistant Professor of Humanities and History at Villanova University and a 2006 fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies. He received his Ph.D. in American History from Rutgers University, where he studied with Jackson Lears. He is the author of Christian Critics: Religion and the Impasse in Modern American Social Thought. He has taught at Rutgers, the University of Delaware, and Princeton. In addition to articles for scholarly journals, he writes essays and reviews for Commonweal, Books and Culture, and In These Times. His current project is a cultural history of corporate business entitled The Enchantments of Mammon: Corporate Capitalism and the American Moral Imagination, which will be published in 2006.
Relevant Articles
Christian Intellectuals: Imbedded or Otherwise, by Eugene McCarraher. The New Pantagruel Volume One, Issue One. Winter 2004.
Mammon's Deadly Grin: The New Gospel of Wealth and the Old Gospel of Life. Presented at the Culture of Life Conference. Notre Dame Center for Ethics & Culture. Nov. 30, 2001. [.pdf format]
Theology at the Barricades, by Eugene McCarraher. Commonweal July 13, 2001 / Volume CXXVIII, Number 13.
'The Long Loneliness' at 50: Dorothy Day's Enduring Biography Commonweal May 3, 2002 / Volume CXXIX, Number 9.
Smile When You Say 'Laity': The Hidden Triumph of the Consumer Ethos, by Eugene McCarraher. Commonweal September 12, 1997 / Volume CXXIV, Number 15. [SEE ALSO: Smile when You Say, 'Starbucks': Responses to Eugene McCarraher, by Patrick Allitt, Michael Baxter, Una M. Cadigan, et al. Commonweal November 21, 1997 / Volume CXXIV, Number 20.]
A Merry Marxy Christmas In These Times Dec. 23, 2003.
About McCarraher
"Marxists for Christ" The Revealer Dec. 30, 2003.
Thomas Storck
Thomas writes from Greenbelt, Maryland, is a Contributing Editor of the New Oxford Review and the author of The Catholic Milieu and Foundations of a Catholic Political Order. His writings have appeared in New Oxford Review, Chronicles and Caelum et Terra.
Published Works (relevant to the discussion):
The Catholic Milieu Christendom Press (November 1, 2004).
Relevant Articles:
From the journal Caelum et Terra:
Caelum Et Terra Conference Section: The Social Order As Community Vol 6 no 4 Fall 1996.
Papal Economics - Book Review: Economics as If God Mattered: a Century of Papal Teaching Addressed to the Economic Order, by Rupert J. Ederer (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 1995). Vol 6 no 1 Winter/Spring 1996
Some Economic and Cultural Considerations of Capitalism Vol 5 no 1 Winter 1995
Brave New World Order: America as a Cultural Vacuum. Vol 4 no 3 Summer 1994
Truth Embodied: A Sketch of Catholic Community Vol 3 no 1 Winter 1993
Social Justice and the Fear of Hell. Vol 2 no 1 Summer 1992
Index of Articles by Thomas Storck, Dan Nichols, et al. Caelum et Terra 1991-1996.
Postmodernism: Catastrophe Or Opportunity - Or Both? Homiletic and Pastoral Review January 2001.
Liberalism's Three Assaults Homiletic and Pastoral Review January 2000.
The 'Radical Orthodoxy' Movement
About "Radical Orthodoxy" (Pro / Con)
Thoughts on Something Called Radical Orthodoxy, by Dixon Kinser. Dec. 7, 2005.
Timid, Theoretical Radicals, by Gassalasca Jape, S.J. October 18, 2005.
What Narrative Theology Forgot, by Alan Jacobs. First Things 135 (August/September 2003): 25-30.
Theology at the Barricades, by Eugene McCarraher. Commonweal July 13, 2001 / Volume CXXVIII, Number 13.
What's So Radical About Orthodoxy?, by Ashley Woodiwiss. Christianity Today May 24, 2005.
The Radical Orthodoxy Project, by R.R. Reno. First Things 100 (February 2000): 37-44.
Websites & Additional Resources
Radical Orthodoxy Online - Resources and Information.
Reading Radical Orthodoxy, a reading list compiled by the blog 'Radical Preaching'.
The Ekklesia Project - "The intent of The Ekklesia Project is to remind the church of its true calling as the real-world community whose primary loyalty is to the Body of Christ, the priorities and practices of Jesus, and the inbreaking Kingdom of God."
Daniel M. Bell, Jr.
Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary [Academic Homepage]
Relevant Articles
Latin American Liberation Theology in the Wake of Capitalism's Triumph Journal of Religion & Society Vol. 2 (2000).
What is Wrong with Capitalism? The Problem with the Problem with Capitalism The Other Journal No. 6, Fall 2005.
Additional links compiled by David Jones @ La Nouvelle Theologie: Daniel M. Bell, Jr..
Dr. William T. Cavanaugh
William T. Cavanaugh is associate professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and author most recently of Theopolitical Imagination (T. & T. Clark).
Relevant Articles
"Killing for the Telephone Company: Why the Nation-State is Not the Keeper of the Common Good" Modern Theology 20:2 (April 2004). [.pdf format]
The Unfreedom of the Free Market From Wealth, Poverty & Human Destiny (ed. Doug Bandow and David L. Schindler), 2003.
When Enough is Enough: "Why God's abundant life won't fit in a shopping cart, and other mysteries of consumerism". Sojourners May 2005.
Consumption, the Market, and the Eucharist TheOtherJournal.com. Issue #6, Fall 2005.
"The World in a Wafer: A Geography of the Eucharist as Resistance to Globalization" Modern Theology 15, no. 2 (April 1999): 181-96. [.pdf format]
"A Fire Strong Enough to Consume the House: The Wars of Religion and the Rise of the State" Modern Theology 11:4, (October 1995) [.pdf format]
"The Ecclesiologies of Medellin and the Lessons of the Base Communities" Cross Currents 44:1 (Spring 1994) [.pdf format]
A GodSpy Interview with William T. Cavanaugh Godspy.com February 2007.
Cardinal Pell and the Theology of the Nation State: "What is happening in the relationship between church and state when Christians, who struggle to define their place in the secular, pluralist nation state, suddenly find one of their number a recipient of the nation's top honour precisely because of his Christian leadership?" - Radio discussion w. Cardinal George Pell, Margaret Coffey, William Cavanaugh.[transcript] Sunday 26 June 2005.
D. Stephen Long
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Garrett Evangelical Theologial Seminary.
[From Long's Academic Homepage:] "I was baptized by the Anabaptists, educated by the evangelicals, ordained and pastorally formed by the Methodists, and given my first position as professor of theology by the Jesuits. That makes me either ecumenically inclined or theologically confused; I hope it is the former. But this history does reveal the eclectic nature of my theology. I have learned a great deal from my studies in both Catholic and Anabaptist theology. . . . My own theology has been largely influenced by the current Anglican movement known as "radical orthodoxy."
Relevant Articles
Charity & Justice: Christian Economy & The Just Ordering of the Commandments, revised from "Christian Economy" in Virtues & Practices In The Christian Tradition, eds Nancy Murphy et.al, 1997.
A Global Market - A Catholic Church: The New Political (Ir)Realism Theology Today Vol. 52, No. 3. 1995.
Called To Take Up Arms? The Service Of The Other, Word & World, 1995 [PDF, dialogue with odd layout, Long on pp2 & 4]
Additional links compiled by David Jones @ La Nouvelle Theologie: D. Stephen Long.